Eight Steps To Produce A Flat Belly & Show Off Chiselled Ab Definition

Getting nice abs is more about what you do in the kitchen than anything else. Abdominal fat control is predominantly the result of balancing specific hormones. So the first place to start getting that delicate balance is your nutrition. The amount of fat we accumulate in our belly (and our entire body) depends on our genetic disposition. In saying that, there are several ways to keep fat off the stomach – but it does take discipline and some self-control. I just wanted to warn you – and you can do this. We all can do this if we want those six-pack abs.

Step One: Cut calorie intake, but don’t go overboard.

Calorie restriction is not about eating less food; it’s about eating quality, low-calorie food often. Restricting calories too much initially can be counterproductive. We want to avoid our body holding onto our fat stores when we reduce calories too fast. But, unfortunately, that means we will find it challenging to lose weight and instead potentially gaining fat. Be sure to pick low-fat protein options, such as chicken breast, fish, tuna, turkey and eggs. These protein sources, added together with green veggies like spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus and lettuce, will satisfy your hunger and create a calorie deficit over time. These foods should make up the bulk of your food intake every time you sit down to a plate of food.

Step Two: Increase the amount of soluble fibre in your diet. 

Fibre slows down the passing of food through your digestive tract. It delays stomach emptying, causing it to expand and create a feeling of fullness. In addition, fibre decreases your risk of developing several diseases because it assists in the burning of fat around your organs. Some examples of soluble fibre are; Avocados, blackberries, flaxseeds, oats and brussels sprouts.

Step Three: Take probiotics.

Having excellent gut health significantly affects how much weight we lose and how well we maintain that weight loss. Obese people have different gut microbes than lean individuals. Be sure to feed yourself pre-biotics as well as pro-biotics. Pre-biotics allow the good bacteria to multiply in your gut and help you reduce fat accumulation in the abdomen. Pre-biotic foods are; Sauerkraut, green veggies, carrots, green bananas and mangos and spinach (there are a whole list in the plant paradox diet book)

Step Four: Weight training. 

It’s essential to lift weights to reduce belly and overall body fat, tone and strengthen your body. Cardio workouts are great, but not when that’s all you do day in day out. Too much cardio is counterproductive and will see you losing that precious muscle mass. Strength training, on the other hand, builds muscle mass and increases your resting metabolism. That means you can eat more food and not put on weight. Wouldn’t we all like that? Unfortunately, the same thing does not happen with cardio. Instead, too much cardio can decrease your muscle mass, making your resting metabolism even lower.

Step Five: HIIT should be your only cardio. 

High-intensity interval training is the key to fat-burning, building strength and increasing your caloric burn hours afterwards. It’s also a great way to burn belly fat fast! Unfortunately, steady-state cardio will not achieve this result as rapidly as HIIT. HIIT is going all out for 20–30 seconds and then resting for 60 seconds. Then repeat for up to 30 minutes. I would not encourage more, as it will leave your nervous system depleted. However, if you want to do more cardio, opt for walking on the treadmill at a slower pace. This kind of exercise is quite suitable for all age groups and fitness levels. In addition, it’s a great way to start bringing incidental exercise into your regime.

Step Six: Limit carbs and get rid of refined ones.

Refined carbs are not only bad for you, but they assist in the accumulation of belly fat and overall body fat. Refined carbs are usually filled with flour, sugar and other ingredients that have no beneficial nutrients. Carbs such as veggies and sweet potatoes have a plethora of vitamins and minerals, aid in us feeling full, and helping us burn body fat stores.

Step Seven: Incidental exercise helps with a calorie deficit.

Opt for walking as much as you can and standing up often. Moving around expends energy, whereas sitting increases our risk of disease and the storage of body fat. Why not opt to take the stairs instead of the lift, walk to and from work, walk during your lunch break, or gather a group of colleagues and have a nice walk around your local area. There are many ways to increase the amount of activity you do, and you can watch your body and belly fat disappear!

Step Eight: Drinks lots of water.

Water speeds up your metabolism and assists in the elimination of waste. Drinking water before meals makes you feel full, therefore stopping you from consuming more food than you need (possibly even limiting your appetite). Sometimes we assume thirst is hunger. To make sure, drink 1–2 glasses of water before a meal and then wait 10–15 minutes. You will soon know if you are starving. It works for me every time. Tip: Make a deal with yourself to drink a certain amount of fluid before having a snack. It’s a sure-fire way to consume fewer calories and hydrate yourself on liquid gold. Good luck on your flat belly journey!

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