It’s common to feel tired regularly, so much so that it becomes a daily part of your life. We’re living in a fast-paced worth, and there seems to be a minimal amount of hours on any given day. Have you ever gone into work on a Monday at 9 am, and when you glanced back at your watch (for what seemed like an hour later), it somehow becomes 3 pm? The reason why you may have looked at your watch could be that you suddenly asked yourself why are you so tired.
You realise that caffeine or a sugar hit might be that could lift you up right now. We may find instant gratification, but we’re left with possibly an even more incredible feeling of fatigue when that wears off.
This cycle can continue on and on indefinitely until a health issue forces us to do something about it.
But it doesn’t have to lead to a health issue at all. There may be many causes of your fatigue and may be reversible with proper nutrition, exercise and sleep. But there could be some underlying health concerns that need medical attention.
It’s essential to pay attention to the signs that you experience due to this fatigue. When you make some of the changes mentioned below, you can have a broader understanding of what you will need to do moving forward.
If you have exhausted all your options below, it’s a good idea to speak to a health professional and get some blood tests done. It could be a simple issue of increasing your iron. This is either done with some supplements or an iron infusion.
If you are like me and cannot absorb iron from food or supplement sources, your best alternative is a fusion, which will give you about six months of relief. Unfortunately, you will need to keep infusing your blood with iron, but it’s a small price to pay for beating fatigue.
Seven reasons why you are so tired and what to do about it
Drink more water. Hydration is, by far, the best way to increase your bodies energy levels. So many of us do not drink enough water per day, leading to headache & extreme fatigue. Being dehydrated can also affect your sleep quality, enhance snoring and increase the dryness of your nasal passage and mouth. Your clarity of thought and alertness will also become compromised because of sleep disturbances. If you want to ensure you have adequate hydration, then start your day by drinking a glass of water, followed by another one every single hour. Taper off at about 6.30 pm so that you don’t have your sleep disturbed by endless trips to the bathroom.
Get some restful sleep. Sleep is so important for everything, and I never used to grasp its importance as I should have. Without proper rest, you can decrease your days’ efficiency and leave you feeling exhausted.Make sure your room is cool enough for sleep and a comfortable bed is just the beginning. I find that preparing for sleep is highly important. Unwinding with a good book, maybe some meditation or journaling is effective for relaxing the body and mind. Plonking yourself down in bed straight away can cause your mind to wander and decrease your sleep quality. Make the process of unwinding as crucial as your sleeping quality.
Change some nutritional habits If you are suffering from Anemia (which most women do) some simple changes in your diet can make a difference. Eating iron-rich foods such as animal protein, beans, nuts, and green vegetables will help to boost your iron levels. If these nutritional choices don’t help, then it’s a good idea to visit your doctor. Deficient iron levels can lead to a lot of health issues, including depression.
Eliminate or ease stress. Stress can change instantly half your energy levels. It can be work or family life stress. No matter what it is, it can eat away at any motivational or energetic drive you have. I know that when I’ve had a particularly exhausting day or I’m stressed out about something in my life, the first place it appears is my digestion and my energy. They both begin to slump, resulting in the exhaustion of the body and the mind. As hard as it is to stop this from happening, it’s essential to find what works in eliminating stress. It can be walking regularly, or maybe some meditation. It always helps to speak to a good friend that you can trust. Sometimes you need to talk things through instead of mulling over them in your mind. You will be amazed at how a debriefing session with a friend can instantly elevate your energy levels.
Get some exercise. This may seem counterproductive, but exercise releases wonderful endorphins that increase your energy, drive and help you sleep a lot better. Even if you are feeling exhausted, a good walk or some light exercise can profoundly affect your energy. When I’m exhausted, I get on the treadmill and even walk in a beautiful park. It makes such a massive difference to me. I highly recommend this as a stress eliminator as well. Every little thing helps holistically.
Go easy on the coffee. The unfortunate thing about coffee is that initially, it gives you a boost in energy, but that slowly wears off. Worst still, you can become immune to the potency of coffee once you have far too many cups per day. That can lead to dehydration and even more exhaustion. Although it’s challenging to cut down your coffee consumption, start by eliminating one cup per day, and supplementing it with another drink, as some herbal tea. Coffee should be saved for a pre-workout ignition, and then maybe another one through the day.
A mental health check. Do you find yourself getting worried, sad, restless, stress or experiencing low moods regularly? You may find a lot of relief by speaking to a therapist or counsellor. They can help you find the root cause of that emotional issue and help you find ways to overcome them and anything else that may be upsetting you.
Lack of energy can be either one or many of these things. Start by making one positive change in your life (I would recommend nutrition first and foremost), and then try any other alternatives. Fatigue over several weeks, months or years can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It’s so important to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. I do hope these tips give you some relief. I would love you to upvote it if you did. Please also join me on my various social platforms and do go ahead and download your 40 Fat Loss Tips & Portions guide. I’m also on Instagram.