Will I regain the weight lost after intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is so effective because of how easy and fast it is to lose body fat and regain your health back. The reversal of many diseases is phenomenal! Not to mention the weight loss for people who have been battling the fat loss battle for years. For some, it can be that extra 5kg that stick around and just don’t shift. For others, it’s probably a lot more sever. We all have our reasons why we take on IF as a means for regaining control of the body shape we want, and also our health.

When I encourage and guide my clients towards IF as a means for weight loss and getting back to a healthier body, the one criterion I enforce is the need to stick with this type of plan for life. Some clients have a lot of weight to lose, and depending on how much time they have, we can take a more drastic approach or one that is a lot more flexible. Given the circumstances, fasting is adjustable. You can choose to go all-in for a period of time, and then ease back into maintenance mode. To discover what maintenance mode works best for you, will need some experimentation. Once you find your sweet spot, that allows you to maintain your ideal body weight and shape – you can continue with this for life.

As with any diet plan you take on, once you start going back to your old ways of eating, the weight will start accumulating. No matter what diet you decide on, this is inevitable. You cannot expect to maintain the same weight if you are eating more energy. Excess energy is always stored as body fat – no matter who you are. Unfortunately, that means if you do decide that fasting doesn’t work for you, the position you will be in is one of the increased fat stores.

Because IF is one of the best ways to control your insulin and fix hormonal balance with many other hormones, the imbalance will start to rear its head again. To what extent it gets to depends on you, and your body. I have not experimented with this, as I find I do not want to alter my fasting. I’m quite happy with the process and how it makes me feel. I do believe that caloric restricted diets are the pits. They have never worked for me because my underlying problem was an imbalance of hormones. Fasting is great at fixing this issue effortlessly.

Perhaps you are looking at exercising some flexibility with fasting? This is completely normal, and we all should give our bodies a break from fasting constantly. Allowing some increases in food consumption will rev up our metabolism and throw a spanner into our sluggish metabolism. The body can be tricky, and it does sense when a routine is apparent – propelling us to our set point again. This is frustrating for those who need to lose that little bit of body fat. Do not be afraid of increasing your calories a few days per week. This is what will help you lose those extra stubborn pounds. Here are some ways to exercise flexibility with your fasting – especially if you are perhaps a bit bored of it.

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