I have been on the Intermittent fasting pathway for almost 6 months now and have been loving the results. The thing I love most about IF, is that you can adapt it to your chosen lifestyle, and work your way around various commitments, without feeling like you are missing out on those special moments to share a meal with friends and family. It offers so much flexibility, and also, you can choose to skip any meal or two within the day, and it still works.
Because I train very early in the morning, I prefer to eat my breakfast. I have my last meal at lunch time, or when I’m fasting for 20 hours, I finish my last meal as a breakfast feast. I usually have a couple of breakfasts on days like this. I like to re-fuel my muscles after I train, as I do find it extra challenging to try and cope without food within the hour after I train. Lifting weights takes a lot out of you physically, and it’s very important to eat optimally before and after your session, as it defeats the purpose of weight training, if you are not opting to eat enough.
Another great reason to train whilst fasting is the surge in HGH – which is both a muscle building and fat burning hormone. The longer you fast, the higher the activation. This is why I still get results from my weight training, minus the constant eating. I’m obviously not going for mass size here, just lean muscle mass and strength. Different goals require altered training and nutrition methods. I would not be fasting if I was training 6 hours a day for an event.
It does not matter if you choose to skip breakfast or dinner, it will still work for you no matter what timing you have. The more you cater to fasting so it fits into your lifestyle, the more likely you will be to stick to it, and actually enjoy the whole experience. I actually find it liberating to not experience extreme hunger, or debilitating cravings, especially since I want to keep tweaking my body shape. Fasting is so easy, and so effective, and I can still have a treat when I want, without experiencing negative consequences.
I could write a lot more about fasting, but to keep this on par with your question, here are just a few small tips to keep your IF journey sustainable and become a lifestyle plan.
6 ways to fast track your intermittent fasting journey
- Make sure it’s in line with your life-style – there is no right or wrong time to fast. Make it as easy as possible for yourself.
- Eat a high protein diet – eliminate all processed food. Save your appetite for all the nutritious option’s around. This will guarantee the best rate of success for weight loss and muscle building, as well as sustain you during the fasting period
- Stay hydrated during your fast. Make sure you drink lots of water, especially when you start to feel hungry. Fill the void with filtered water, coffee, black and herbal teas
- Get enough rest. Sleep and recuperation from your workout are essential. Make time to rest when you need to and get any extra hours of sleep.
- Keep active. I find the best way to eliminate the need for food, is to just keep active by walking and listening to music, a book or just immersing myself in a big task. Keep your mind engaged in something other than food. Slowly after a while, you will not need to do this.
- Start fasting for smaller duration’s, then extend when you feel comfortable. This is the best way to start your fasting journey – and how I have as well. Start small, say 12–16 hours, then work your way up to 20 and beyond. Do what is comfortable for you, and don’t worry about what others are doing. This is your journey, make it right for you and you alone.
This will definitely set you on the right path, and the choice is yours when you decide you need something more. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance. I have plenty of other blog posts on my wesbsite or join me on fb and insta social standpoints. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.