Alzheimer’s Disease – Here’s One Secret Contributor You Need To Know About

Delicious and healthy vegetable based meal eaten at a restuarant

Everyone should pay attention to this one simple contributor

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are rising and will continually increase as the year’s progress.
The signs are so simple that they can be initially dismissed as being forgetful or experiencing brain fog.

It’s part of your lifestyle habits

Lifestyle can and does contribute a lot towards a diagnosis of a disease.
Small and simple daily habits can lead to better health or downgrade it completely.
Now, researchers have found the major contributor to Alzheimer’s disease that we all should pay attention to and do something about.
A molecule that contains a very potent microbial-generated neurotoxin is derived from a bacteria in the human GI tract, which generates a neurotoxin known as BF LPS.
LPS is one of the most potent microbial-derived pro-inflammatory neurotoxic glycolipids known.
Many forms of LPS have been detected within different forms of an Alzheimer-affected human brain!
This clearly shows a HUGE connection between the gut and the brain.
What happens is that when LPS leaks out of the GI tract, crosses the blood-brain barrier via the circulatory system, and accesses brain compartments.
It then increases inflammation in the brain cells and inhibits neuron-specific neurofilament light. This is a protein that supports cell integrity.
In other words, this leads to cell death.

Fibre is your best friend

The good news is that eating adequate dietary fibre daily is the simple and most effective way to stop this.
A dietary approach to help balance the micro-organisms in the microbiome is the best way to help combat the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Both practitioners and the general public need to understand how important it is to consider these new, simple strategies to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other lethal and progressive neurogenerative disorders.

We don’t eat enough fibre

Americans eat about 10–15 grams of fibre on an average day. Consuming this amount isn’t enough.
USDA recommends women up to age 50 eat 25 grams daily and men 38 grams.
If you are over 50, women and men can consume between 21–20 grams daily.
There is no harm at all if you increase that!
The National Institute of Health says that Alzheimer’s is the most common diagnosis for patients with dementia and the sixth leading cause of death for Americans.
It’s estimated that as many as 5.8 million Americans 65 and older have Alzheimer’s disease, and the prevalence in the USA is projected to increase to 13.8 million by 2050!!

Key take away

Eating abundant fibre in fruit, vegetables, pulses, beans, and nuts is in our best interest.
We aren’t eating enough whole foods to eliminate the potential to develop neurological diseases.
You are heading in a more positive direction by eating fibre daily.
Add small portions during each meal, and slowly increase once your gut feels more comfortable dealing with the added fibre.

Here are some ideas for you

  • Eating oats or a smoothie for breakfast with LSA
  • Having a salad for lunch, baked or steamed veggies
  • Dinner could be a stir fry veggie.
  • Adding elements like avocado or sweet potato into your brownies. I promise you won’t even taste the vegetables.
How are you getting more fibre into your diet?

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