If you wanted to lose weight, what kind of meals would you eat?

Fresh is best

If I wanted to lose weight, I would do the following thing diet wise only:-

Weight loss is mainly about the food, but it’s also the choices of food you make on a meal to meal basis that makes the difference over time.

It takes time to create a calorie deficit, and you need to be aware of everything you are eating. When you find the key to this secret, you can use it for life. It will allow you to keep your body weight in tact, and your health at optimal levels. You want a good quality of life after all.

9 steps to fat loss that are easy and work wonders.

  1. Make my protein source as low calorie as possible, keeping in mind the level of protein this contains. Protein sources would be seafood and eggs for me personally, as I have chosen never to eat red meat and chicken again due to their high chemical content (even the organic source has chemicals). You can choose to eat chicken breast, turkey and any other low calorie meats. You should limit red meat as it contains quite a number of calories per serving. Only add this source if you are experiencing some weight loss, but not daily.
  2. I would make cruciferous veggies a major part of my diet. Use these in your meals and make sure they are the prominent feature on your plate. Choose from broccoli, cabbage, kale, asparagus, Brussels sprouts etc.
  3. I would eat salads for every meal. I thoroughly enjoy salads, even in winter. After a while, your body craves these because of their volume of vitamins and phytonutrients. Dress them with apple cider vinegar and a very high quality, cold pressed olive oil.
  4. Leave out the treat meals for now. I would opt to allow my body at least a month of eating this way, before I begin to introduce a small treat to offset the constant dieting.
  5. I would eat less carbs. Carbs are not necessarily bad, but when you want to lose some extra body fat, minimising them or carb cycling really helps. When you are cycling, only eat nutritious sources of carbs, such as sweet potatoes and oat bran. These are high in fibre and contain many benefits to your overall health. Leave the white potatoes, pasta and breads out of your diet. They are not necessary and cause an insulin spike, inhibiting fat loss.
  6. I would omit using sauces, and only season my foods with fresh or dried herbs. Sauces contain lots of sugar and added ingredients. The content of excessive calories with no real value to your body, quickly ads up over time. If you are making a tomato sauce, use real tomatoes with some natural stock. If you want to season your protein or veggies, use some good quality salt and herbs. Learn to love the natural flavours of food, and get rid of all processed sauces that can cause a negative insulin response.
  7. Keep things simple and easy. Don’t go over board with experimentation. Just eat the veggies and protein sources you like. There is no point in adding something you don’t like, for the sake of it being low calorie.

    Make your meals enjoyable. Use fresh veggies, sauerkraut, beautiful herbs such as dill, mint, parsley, or even basil. Dress your salads with olive oil and beautiful vinegars, salts and even dried herbs. There are so many simple things you can do to liven up a meal, without it being expensive or time consuming.

  8. I would pre-prepare my meals daily. This is so that when I’m hungry, or get home from work, the meal can be eaten or placed in the oven to cook. Don’t waste hours trying to decide what to eat, cutting up ingredients when you are tired. You will be more likely to overeat from extreme hunger, or because you are tired. Pre-plan every week what you want to eat, prepare it the night before, and make sure it’s easy for you to cook or eat.
  9. Last of all, I would strength train. I always mention this, as it’s very important. Nothing re-shapes your body and boosts your metabolism like weight training. It will change your health and your life for the better. Endless cardio leaves you depleted and flabby. Believe me, I’ve been there. Weights will make you stronger on the inside and outside. Use this to your advantage when on a weight loss diet. There will be no regrets.

I do hope these tips and tricks help to get you back into fat burning and weight loss mode if you have been experiencing a plateau

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