How To Integrate one Exercise Daily & Increase the Health of Your Knees?

How To Integrate one Exercise Daily & Increase the Health of Your Knees?

If you experience a lot of knee pain, this may help you

Arthritis can touch people from their early 40s and well into their 50s and beyond. That might stop many people from exercising and doing any activities they love. For example, it can be heartbreaking to stop running or cycling because of joint and knee pain. Credible treatment is lacking today and provides the benefits of limiting further damage and the pain accompanying osteoarthritis. Researcher’s used a multi-year study to examine the benefits of the amount & frequency of time people with osteoarthritis walked as a means of exercise. Anyone (50 or younger) who reported ten or more exercise sessions was registered as a walker. Those with less were not classified as such. Those brilliant individuals who walked for exercise experienced a 40% decrease in new frequent knee pain compared to those who did not walk. Even if you do not have osteoarthritis, walking can help prevent any future pain and slow down the worsening of damage inside the joints. Walking also improves our ability to increase our cardiovascular health and decrease our risk of obesity, diabetes and some form of cancer. It’s easy to take a regular walk, either close to your home or in a park. Walking is a free activity with minimal side effects and is much more beneficial than pain medication (which has many hidden and unpleasant side effects). Anyone diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis should take walking as an exercise strategy, especially if you are not experiencing knee pain. However, even if you do, it’s still important to exercise, as you will benefit from it.


Here are some tips to think about before you start walking

One. Stay close to home.

If you experience a lot of pain, stay closer to home so that the distance isn’t too much for you to bear.

Two: Take it slow

Walking should be relaxing and fun. Power walking is still great, but if you aren’t at that stage, build up slowly and use your intuition. No one knows your body as well as you do, so be sure not to increase the intensity of your walk too fast or walk too slow if you can do better. 

Three: Be consistent

It’s essential to keep exercising every day, even though it may be in ten-minute intervals. The more time you spend sitting down, your joints will get stiffer. Standing up, moving around and keeping yourself active will get the blood circulating and lower the pain intensity. It’s essential to seek your doctor’s advice before you do anything too strenuous or tax on your knees. Walking is one of my favourite ways to exercise and has proven to have many benefits beyond what’s written here, especially regarding mental health and well-being. 

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