Is it that hard to lose weight as you age?

First of all, it’s possible to lose weight at any age. It’s not necessarily age that may make it a bit more challenging. There are other factors to consider as well.
Even though we may remain relatively active as we age, we still lose muscle mass every decade after the age of 30, which then may leave you a lot more susceptible to gaining fat. The way around this is to always include a relative amount of strength training in your weekly routine. This is both a necessity for men and women. I would recommend all women get those negative notions out of their head about weight training. I say this because muscles eat up more calories than fat. Therefore from a scientific perspective – fewer muscles mean a sluggish metabolism and the need for fewer calories. We may not necessarily pay attention to this factor as we age, which leads to more weight gain over time. Have you noticed this as you begin to get a bit older (perhaps from the 30s onwards?)
The decline of Sex hormones levels – estrogen and testosterone, start around the early ’50s for women (usually when menopause starts to rear its ugly head) and a little later for men. Unfortunately, this makes the effects even worse when it comes to weight gain. That is one reason women will find it challenging to lose weight in their 50’s (although it’s not impossible).


If you haven’t been active, then the onset of aches and pains in your joints may increase your chances of becoming sedentary – making it painful to engage in physical activities.
Those who aim to strength train at least 3–4 times per week are more likely to decrease those aches and prevent future fractures. Remember the old saying that if you don’t use it, you lose it? The same goes for muscle mass and strength. It pays off to spend that extra bit of time developing a proper weight training strategy rather than focusing on what the scales read back to you.
When you start adding muscle mass to your frame, it can increase your weight. Plus, weight fluctuations can happen daily, according to what you eat. I would recommend focusing on eating more protein during every meal to help sustain and build muscle mass. But, training with weights should be an essential part of your plan as well. You can’t grow and develop muscles without lifting heavy things regularly.

In summary

If you want to lose weight, then age should not become an excuse for you. It is easier to lose weight in your 20’s than it would be in your 40’s and 50’s. Your best strategy to prevent this problem is not being obese or overweight in the first place! But if you are in that position right now, then starting from the bottom up is what will work long term for you – as long as you take that up as a lifestyle plan. It’s essential to look after your health from the get-go, and if it so happens you put on a few Kg’s, then it will be a simple tweak to get you back on track. This may be easier said than done, but it is as simple as that. The golden rule to understand is that muscle mass declines after 30; therefore, males and females must have a strength training program 3–4 times per week. Lifting weights will help you maintain and grow muscle mass. I would make building and maintaining muscle mass a priority. Spend your cardio time with something low impact that won’t take away your energy and drive for weight training. Walking is a great way to burn body fat, and it’s easily accessible for any age group at all.
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