How one nerve can stop you losing weight and messing with your stomach

If you are finding it hard to lose weight, you need to know about this nerve

The mind and body intertwine on a deep level that we’ve not yet understood. There is one nerve that, in Ayurveda terms, is referred to as “The Wanderer” as it’s part of the autonomic side of the nervous system. This nerve signals your digestive system to move ahead without you having to think about it. 

Our vagus nerve controls the side of our nervous system, which is the rest, relax, digest and healing side — known as the parasympathetic nervous system.

The other side of our nervous system controls the “fight or flight response.” These days, we live in a constant flux of fight or flight mode due to chronic stress that we may or may not be conscious of. The sad realisation is that we have been in this state for so long, it’s become a way of life to ensure our bodies are ready to run away from the lions ahead.  No wonder we experience sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress and quite possibly depression. When our flight or fight is in complete overdrive, our vagus nerve falls asleep. Unfortunately, that sleep-induced exhaustion of the vagus nerve leaves our digestion, health & weight loss goals susceptible to many hurdles. So we have to break through those barriers we’ve created in our heads to start turning things around. If you experience these widespread problems — your vagus nerve needs a bit of waking up — urgently. 

One: Farting, constipation, Irritable bowel, stuck gas.

Our vagus nerve is responsible for moving food down the oesophagus, into the stomach and then the small intestine. It also produces the necessary acids & juices needed for this process. When your vagus nerve is impaired, you might have moving waste, digestion, and absorption issues. 

In addition, waste left inside the intestine for too long can lead to the overgrowth of bacteria, which increases bloating and gas, leading towards chronic constipation.

Two: You feel inflamed

Our vagus nerve regulates inflammation throughout our bodies. For example, you may have that feeling during the day of feeling unwell, tired or generally low on energy. 

This can further increase our stress and anxiety levels, leading to even more inflammation throughout our bodies.

Three: Eating too much

We receive that feeling of fullness by our vagus nerve. If the nerve is not working correctly, that signal will diminish, and we will constantly feel hungry.

So how do you minimise or eliminate the stimulation of this extraordinary vagus nerve?

This is probably one of the hardest things for a wired person to do — but I’m going to tell it to you anyway because it’s worth it, and you will feel like a new person.

Here are Four simple ways to relax and unwind to get your vagus nerve to work again:

One: You must learn to relax and unwind

Easy isn’t it — but not easy to do every day — especially when your boss gives you something to finish at 4.50 pm. 

This is inevitable in our lives during some moments. The best thing we can do is let it come, then let it go in peace.

Two: Practice deep breathing in moments of stress

It’s not easy to calm down when you are faced with someone aggressive, bad news or a situation out of your control. However, simple breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth in slow, profound instances will significantly increase calm, serenity and peace within you. 

You will also decrease your blood pressure and heart rate in the process.

Three: Mindfulness and meditation

Increase more positive, serine and relaxing moments in your life by practising mindfulness through some form of meditation. 

For example, sometimes listening to someone talk you into a meditative state — but you can also ignite it by being in peaceful surroundings, exercising or becoming grateful for the beautiful things in your life.

Four: Increasing good gut bacteria with probiotics and prebiotics

This will help to decrease inflammation and start to bring on the good guys back to your gut. You may also get a lot of relief by reducing the amount of gut stimulating foods that may cause gas and bloating — food items like garlic, onions, some vegetables and certain fruits. Monitor your gut reaction carefully and note down what gives you the most trouble. Eventually, with a modest diet and more pre and pro-biotics, you may begin to tolerate these foods again. If you begin today by adding some simple relaxation methods to decrease stress and anxiety in your life, you will slowly start to reap the benefits of a better life. The side benefit to this is increasing your chances of weight loss while at the same time diminishing your chances for disease. Perhaps you are reacting to things by experiencing symptoms within your gut. If that’s the case, you may need to be a bit more mindful every single day and keep infusing yourself with these strategies. They have helped me so much, and I’m sure you will get many benefits out of them.

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