6 best low carb options for weight loss

There are so many varieties of low carb foods that will not only help you lose weight and keep it off. Let’s not forget the increase your energy and keeping you satiated for more extended periods, making you less susceptible to hunger and consuming more calories than you need. Let’s get to it then and start planning our meals and snacks around the best kinds of low carb options.

Six best low carb options for weight loss, maintenance and deliciousness

  1. Green veggies: Spinach, Avocado, asparagus. Lettuce cucumber & Kale. Use these green varieties for their antioxidant and vitamin content. They help to eliminate toxins, have a high fibre rating and a low carb index. Add your preferred source of low carb protein, which I’ll highlight below.
  2. Protein sources: These can be Eggs, Chicken breast, Whitefish, Salmon, Cottage cheese, Yoghurt and turkey. These sources are not only high on the protein level, but they all have their unique features. Eggs are a powerhouse of protein and vitamins. Chicken breast, turkey, and whitefish are high in protein, low in calories, salmon is high in omega-three fatty acids, promoting the fight against inflammation. Cottage cheese and yoghurt contain good gut bacteria, high protein and low fat. Using these in conjunction with your read meats, make for a great variety in nutrients, taste and deliciousness in preparation for all your meal needs.
  3. Fruit sources; Lots of berries, like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. High on the antioxidant list, as well as eliminating free radicals and promoting cell renewal. They are extremely low carb and delicious eaten fresh or frozen for your smoothie mix.
  4. Nuts; Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias and almonds. Use them in conjunction or portion them out as a very healthy, filling and nutritious snack. These also provide a creamy source when making a healthy berry or veggie smoothie.
  5. Coconut and olive oil; Use coconut oil to cook all your meats, and olive oil as a dressing for all salads. Both provide a low carb, a high-fat source in your diet. As you know, fat is essential for actual fat loss.
  6. Sweeteners to satisfy your sweet tooth; Stevia is best, as it’s derived from plant sources, and has zero calories and carbs. This is safe for people with diabetes, as it doesn’t increase your insulin, and is perfect to use when fasting and maintaining the fast. Use small amounts as it’s very potent.

I do hope this has helped you discover what will help you master a low carb diet, without too much restriction. It’s important to always aim for proper nutritional habits, to set you up long term.

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