Thankfully, these four nutrient-rich, healthy foods are available in most parts of the world.
Superfoods have been hovering around for years; some foods deserve the title, while others do not.
Considering all the ongoing health issues we face today, mainly due to improper nutritional and lifestyle habits — it’s in our best interest to know what the award-winning health foods are and make an informed choice.
What you have to gain is taking hold of your health. What’s more important than that?
Eating the right foods will be very important to make the most profound difference in your health and well-being.
Foods containing an abundant source of antioxidants will prevent cell damage, combat free radicals and add a layer of protection from certain cancers.
Here they are:

One: Kale is the number one healthy food available.
Why is kale so good?
It has been classed as a superfood because of its abundant source of nutrients.
If you could get all the nutrients that benefit your body and its functioning the most -then kale is the one.
This leafy green is low in calories and densely packed with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. One of the most notable nutrients in kale is vitamin K, which is crucial for bone health and blood clotting. A single cup of kale dramatically exceeds the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, alongside offering copious amounts of vitamins A and C, instrumental for immune function, skin health, and vision.
Beyond vitamins, kale is a treasure trove of minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Its high calcium content is particularly noteworthy, offering a plant-based calcium source essential for bone health and muscular function.
Kale’s rich fibre content further enhances its profile as a superfood. Dietary fibre is vital for digestive health, aiding bowel regularity and fostering a healthy gut microbiome. Moreover, fibre plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular health by helping to manage cholesterol levels.
Kale contains a special property called chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll can potentially bind carcinogens, which stops the body from absorbing them.
Reducing your carcinogen exposure is important because that can lead to cancer — bad habits such as smoking (or even passive smoking). Try to eat your food out of class instead of in plastic containers, and don’t reheat food in plastic!

Two: Artichokes
Loads of people dismiss artichokes because they are challenging to cook and prepare (although you can purchase frozen alternatives to make it easier).
This unique vegetable, characterized by its layered petals and distinctive taste, is packed with an impressive array of nutrients and phytochemicals beneficial for overall health.
One of the most compelling attributes of artichokes is their rich antioxidant content. These antioxidants, including quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins, and silymarin, are pivotal in neutralizing harmful free radicals and reducing oxidative stress and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
The health benefits of artichokes extend far beyond their antioxidant capacity. They are an excellent source of fibre, which is crucial for digestive health.
The high fibre content not only promotes a healthy gut by supporting beneficial bacteria but also aids in regulating blood sugar levels and maintaining a healthy weight by inducing a feeling of fullness. Furthermore, artichokes contain essential nutrients such as vitamins C, K, folate, magnesium, and potassium. These nutrients contribute to various bodily functions, including immune support, bone health, and proper muscle function.
The cynarin found in artichokes is known for its positive effects on liver health, aiding in toxin elimination and bile production, essential for fat digestion and vitamin absorption.
One thing you may not know about artichokes is they help to treat gastrointestinal upsets, such as IBS. That’s not all; you reduce your cholesterol and heart disease risk and increase your good cholesterol levels.

Three: Watercress
Watercress isn’t just a garnish; it’s filled with powerful ingredients.
This aquatic plant is remarkably low in calories and densely packed with abundant vitamins, minerals, and potent phytonutrients. One of the standout features of watercress is its exceptionally high vitamin K content, which is essential for maintaining bone health and proper blood clotting. Moreover, it’s a rich source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that plays a critical role in immune function, skin health, and collagen synthesis.
Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and other carotenoids in watercress support vision health. It is an antioxidant, safeguarding the body against oxidative stress and inflammation.
What truly sets watercress apart are its cancer-fighting compounds, notably glucosinolates.
When chewed or chopped, these compounds convert into isothiocyanates, recognized for their anti-cancer properties. Research suggests that these compounds may inhibit the growth of cancer cells and offer protective effects against certain types of cancer. Additionally, the high antioxidant content of watercress, including quercetin and lutein, contributes to its reputation as a superfood, combating free radicals and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
So, add abundant watercress with your salads and other meal alternatives.

Four: Broccoli
Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable known for its distinctive tree-like structure, is lauded as one of the healthiest foods on the planet thanks to its dense nutritional profile and myriad health benefits. This green powerhouse is loaded with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, making it a staple for anyone aiming for a nutritious diet.
Broccoli is exceptionally rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, aids in collagen production for healthy skin and joints, and enhances iron absorption. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin K, essential for bone health and blood clotting, and provides substantial amounts of folate, manganese, and potassium.
The health benefits of broccoli don’t stop at its vitamins and minerals. It’s notably high in fibre, which promotes digestive health, aids in maintaining a healthy weight by providing a sense of fullness, and helps control blood sugar levels.
But what truly sets broccoli apart is its bioactive compounds, including glucosinolates and sulforaphane. These compounds have been extensively studied for their potential anti-cancer properties. Sulforaphane, in particular, is thought to protect against cancer by supporting the detoxification of harmful substances and influencing cancer cell growth and development.
Broccoli contains Iron, calcium and vitamin C, which all help to strengthen your bones and prevent fractures. These combinations also help to produce collagen.
Need to increase your intake of protein? Well, broccoli surprisingly provides you with 4.3 grams of protein in every 100g serving.
Maybe that’s a small amount but think of the added value on your plate when eaten with other higher-protein foods.
Plus, broccoli has high fibre content with a low caloric profile, and eating broccoli with your protein will give you a bonus of vitamins and minerals.
Key take away
While these sources are extremely healthy and provide added nutritional value, it’s still important to include a variety of foods to help increase your gut microbiome profile.
Good health is all about balancing what’s required and leaving space for what we enjoy.
Leafy greens not only help to protect us from disease, but they are also rich in fibre and phytonutrients that prevent toxins from generating disease and even cancers.
We can turn our lives around just by eating properly, and it’s never too late to start right now.
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