Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which becomes damaged with heavy lifting, and repairs magically to enhance our capacity for strength and endurance.
The more muscle you build, the more your metabolism will fire up – which can become as high as, or higher than 100 extra calories per day. But this task in itself is not for the faint-hearted. Roughly, the amount of muscle we’d need to put on is akin to about 10–20 pounds. This kind of goal takes many, many years and endless attention to nutrition and supplementation – as well as the training involved, to achieve it. But even when you do put on this kind of muscle mass, you won’t become like a bottomless pit for all the food you fantasies about eating. Yes, muscle does and will always, allow you to some elevation with your metabolism, and also help you attain your fat loss and body composition goals.
Just think about the amount of poundage’s, and the repetitions need to build muscle itself. This is mighty hard work and takes a massive amount of energy and stamina. This has got to come from somewhere, and that’s (hopefully if you are insulin sensitive & deprived of glycogen) most likely our fat cells. This is the point we want to get to, to make changes to our physique.
This will always create amazing benefits, not only for your body but your bone density, mental and physical health. Although the result isn’t a fire burning metabolism, it can quickly become elevated by following some strategies I’ve outlined below. These should be followed week by week. As you may know, alternating your repetitions, weight and intensity is essential if you want to make changes to your muscle size and strength. Once the muscle gets a taste of the new weight, it does it’s best to repair and strengthen, in case you put it under that duress again. That means, we have to be continually one step ahead of our smart muscular development and smash it out the next time. Try these methods on for size:
4 muscle-building strategies that you need to try
- Multi-joint exercises. Because these require so much muscle in our bodies to perform the movement, it will burn the most calories, as well as help us get full-body strength and hypertrophy. I always recommend and drill this to all my clients – you can never stop using these movements in every single one of your strength training programs because they produce so many benefits and take the most effort. This is why a lot of people shy away from deadlifts and squats – dam right they are hard! But, champion’s want results, they don’t want it to be easy!
- HIIT –This is highly intensive, and has the potential to skyrocket your metabolism for hours after the session ends. The only way to get these results is that when it’s time to sprint – you have to go all out to the point of having to stop to catch your breath! This is what true HIIT is like. It’s tough as nails and will leave you breathless.
- Protein – yes, protein is a metabolism booster. It takes calories for it to be digested by our bodies and used as fuel and muscle growth. Use it to your advantage by adding it to every meal.
- Water – staying hydrated is extremely important for overall health, and flushing out toxins from our bodies. Drinking water elevates our metabolisms, by increasing it to 30%! That’s huge! Another big plus is that it helps prevent us from overeating. Usually, people mistake hunger for thirst. A good rule of thumb is to drink one glass of water when you think you’re hungry. Wait 30 minutes to see if it was a genuine hunger pang or just one from dehydration. In hot temperatures, of if you go to the gym, drink more!
Hopefully, this has been somewhat helpful to you. Muscle does increase metabolism, but as I’ve always said, many factors can help elevate it, and the best strategy is to use different techniques over time, to make the job a whole lot easier.
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