5 nutritional essentials to building muscle mass

There is so much information out there with regards to nutrition when training, that it’s hard to work out exactly how much protein and or carbohydrates would be needed to benefit your efforts, not to mention muscle recovery.
When building muscle, your main goal should be to eat a high-protein diet, focusing on essential amino acids around your workout times. These should be spread evenly throughout the day, so you may continuously support the stimulation of protein synthesis, for lean mass gains. When it comes to supplements, they can help advance your results but aren’t essential.

Five nutritional essentials to building muscle mass

  1. Make protein your crucial nutrient. Your high protein diet should be an essential strategy, consumed around your workout times, as well as a proper strength training protocol. Programmes are structured for progressive overload and intensity. Aim for 20g protein after your workout, and from 30 upwards if you are over 40 years of age.
  2. When to use carbs. You must also be mindful of replenishing glycogen stores, supporting hormonal balance and neurotransmitter function. Carbs are not responsible for protein synthesis, and insulin spikes are not necessary post-workout. Just keep that in mind if you want to burn body fat as well.
  3. Carb timing. Use the 60-minute post-workout window to restore your glycogen by consuming fast-digesting, simple carbs if you are a very active person (athlete or training for an endurance sport). The rest of us who work out for an hour a day doesn’t need to take these measures.
  4. If using a supplement, use whey protein. Whey provides a more significant amount of amino acids for protein synthesis. It’s easily and rapidly digested, allowing the amino to hit the muscles quickly. A lot of us cannot use this, but if you can, take advantage of it as much as you need to.
  5. Use caffeine or green tea. This can help you to power through your workouts, reducing pain, boosting neurotransmitter production for a higher drive. It also reduces muscle soreness and strength loss. Use it before your session for the best results.

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