How successful is intermittent fasting when you’re basically starving yourself?

Fasting is definitely mind over matter

Well, if you want to think of it this way, fasting is a strategy where you are inhibited from eating during a particular period of time. It’s not in fact, starvation as what many people have become accustomed to believing.

Starving is when we go for for extended periods of time without food (or water mind you). This obviously is not the most ideal, or lifestyle adaptation anyone would recommend.

Intermittent fasting is only a window of time that we cease to eat, which is then broken with a period of time dedicated to eating – but eating the correct nutrients.

Fasting produces fat loss and a boost in our metabolism, because we allow our bodies to recuperate and rest from constantly feeding it unnecessarily, as well as allowing our insulin levels to become low enough to allow our bodies to naturally burn stored energy for fuel. This is also increased in capacity when we exercise, more so by weight training. When we fast, human growth hormone is magnified to it’s highest levels possible, increasing our metabolism, as well opening the hormonal pathways towards burning fat for fuel. This is also magical in the sense that building muscle also becomes a lot easier – despite what we’ve been conditioned to believe about the constant influx of food when lifting heavy weights. This is in fact, not necessary. But, if you are on the pathway to build excessive muscle mass, or planning to run a marathon anytime soon, this is definitely not the lifestyle plan for you.
For those of us who want lean muscle mass, a nice shape, and the ability to see our muscular structure without the abstraction of too much body fat, Intermittent fasting will definitely work in conjunction with weight training and proper nutrition, to make this a reality.

This is why most people love it – you get the benefits of both worlds, without too much difficulty. No calorie counting, not caloric restriction and you can actually exercise some flexibility with your eating.

The great news about cheat meals when intermittently fasting

Many people add on extra treats here and there, as their metabolism works so well, it doesn’t affect their body composition as it would when on a caloric restricted diet. I say this with great caution, as I don’t want people to assume I’m saying that you can eat junk food and then fast to stop the natural fat accumulation nutrition-less food provides. What I am saying is that, you can have some pizza, a slice of chocolate cake, and perhaps that packet of salty chips your craving, during the week, without it affecting your body composition. BUT – this needs to be exercised with caution, as everybody’s body is quite different in their responses to this.

For me, I prefer my one day, then perhaps another one having a small treat. That’s pretty much it, as I would prefer to spend my time feeding my body nutritiously rich food, so that I always have the energy I need, as well as clarity of mind to achieve my training, and business goals.

What I need to point out here is that your nutrition when you can and do have to eat, is so important, and it will be the one thing that makes or breaks your goals. This is the case whether your goal is to build muscle, lose body fat, or a combination of both. You must stick to consuming the best possible, nutrient dense meals. This includes protein, fats, carbs and of course, many vegetables. You want to allow your body to keep that fat burning and muscle building hormone in check when fasting, so you have the best possible outcome from the exercise and fasting lifestyle.

Does your body get to a plateau with fasting?

A lot of people have also asked me if the body does get accustomed to this type of plan, and will it therefore become less effective. To that I have to say that this has not been my experience, but I have not been intermittent fasting for years yet, more so about 4 months and I’ve only seen progression each and every month.

My advice for this question is to keep your body guessing, alternate your fasting hours each and every day, don’t let your body know what you have in stall for it. I think that should also become your strategy for exercise. Don’t do the same thing day in day out, as your body will become so used to it, you will begin to plateau in your results. No one wants that! For fasting, alternate your hours, give yourself a break once a week (as in, don’t fast and eat normally) and when it comes to weight training, pivot between accumulation and intensification modes (you can read more about this in my blog posts).

Fasting has worked for thousands of people for years, and still continues to grow in popularity for it’s outstanding body composition and health benefits

I’m just one of the many thousands who have had the most successful results from intermittent fasting, and I have never felt deprived or starved as such. You really do have to keep track of your exercise and nutrition to receive the most success from this -and it’s not a very hard thing to do when you have particular goals to achieve.

What I will say though is some people can take fasting too far, and tarnish the great benefits. If you eat terribly, or don’t eat enough, you will not be able to trigger the hormonal changes that are beneficial and that will alter your body composition. In fact, it will have the opposite effect and leave you with a larger possibility of increasing your risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies (especially if you are exercising excessively). One must really tread carefully if they suffer from an eating distorted or have body image issues. This is the last kind of lifestyle plan people on that spectrum need. I don’t want anyone in any way to think that this is a great way to starve – it’s definitely not like this at all.

I do hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch. I’m here if you need me, and come follow me on social. Click here for my site or my two primary social media platforms right here. Good luck!


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