One Thing That May be Making Women Gain Weight

Keep this in mind when the stress levels get higher than you realise

Keep this in mind when the stress levels get higher than you realise

Women do so much. We work and look after our kids, family and elderly parents. Sometimes we have a spare moment to look after ourselves, but usually, that time is never long enough. Perhaps we sacrifice our sleep, or time dedicated to exercise is suddenly overtaken by exhaustion. It can sometimes feel like we give everything we have, yet it’s all taken away with nothing left over for us. I often feel this way, working hard to do my best for my child and myself.

 The pressure and expectations can sometimes become so high that all I want is to run away from it all.

 But of course, love keeps you grounded and staying the course. If we don’t watch out, things could spiral out of control. Three thousand eight hundred seventy-two participants, both women and men, were allocated to a Swedish study, then investigated for over 20 years. The variables of this study included body weight and the control and work demands. Age groups ranged from 30–50 or 40–60 To estimate each adult’s job demands, respondents were asked about their workplaces, psychological pressures, whether there was enough time for their duties and how often their needs made them contradictory. Those individuals with a low degree of control over their work gained considerable weight, which was 10 per cent more during this study. That weight gain was apparent in both men and women. On the other side, long-term exposure to high job demands played a part for women. Over half of the women subjected to high demands gained a significant increase in weight over the 20 years!

 The gain in weight was 20 per cent higher than in women with low demanding jobs.

 When it comes to workplace demand levels, only women were affected. Researchers did not investigate the underlying cases, but it may be a combination of job demand and greater responsibility within the home that women often inherit. These instances can make it hard for women to exercise and live healthy lives. Decreasing repeated work stress can impact a woman’s life, leading to less development of disease and diabetes.


What can you do to combat this?

I would predict that it sounds like a classic case of emotional eating on a woman’s part. Women are a lot more susceptible to this than men. So, what can be done about it?


One: Know your stress trigger

Is it the demand of your already time-poor schedule? The way someone speaks to you or the pressures of attaining KPIs? Write it all down and how you feel as a result. The acknowledgement itself is a powerful key to becoming more aware of the pressures and emotions and then using the means to combat them.


Two: What is overeating doing to help you soothe the stress?

When I faced this, I realised that chewing helped to eliminate stress. So, Instead of chewing during a stressful event, I either went on a walk or prepared a warm herbal tea. Eliminating the food association part helped me combat the stress in a different light. 

Of course, I no longer needed to chew, but stopping myself from that act by doing something active or drinking something warm helped soothe the situation.

 Fill that void with something positive and then gauge how it helps. Usually, stress needs some form of comfort, and sunshine, fresh air, and warm herbal tea do it for me. Maybe you prefer to go for a run or begin breathing deeply again.


Three: See it for what it is

Usually, we get highly emotional during a situation. Sleep on it, and then see it more clearly 24 hours later. We always assume it’s bigger than it is during a heated moment. 


Four: Ask for help

I am grateful to have had my mum’s help when she was alive. But unfortunately, when she passed away, I was left to fend for myself. So, I asked for help! My daughter does some things to help out, and so does my partner. So, we are all responsible for helping around the house. Eliminate stress that someone could quickly take off your plate with some help. 

That could be domestic duties, cleaning and the like. Instead, use that time to unwind, go to the gym or practice relaxation techniques.

 You don’t have to do it alone, even though you can. Remember, your health is your wealth. Please sign up via my link if you want to read more articles like this or start writing your own. I’d love to see you on the other side. ???????? Sign up here for your medium subscription. I get a portion of your monthly fee at no extra cost to you, and it will go a long way in supporting me as a writer. Download your FREE Fat Loss Recipe book here

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