Ladies – A Super Simple Way to Curb Your Hunger and Lose Weight

Ladies — A Super Simple Way to Curb Your Hunger and Lose Weight

You can naturally suppress your appetite by doing this every single day

We should all eat less food, yet that’s sometimes not as easy as it sounds. Focusing on the amount you eat and making meals at home is very important. It’s easier and safer to portion out your food when you cook it and pack it yourself. We don’t have a lot of self-control when eating out (well, I don’t!). So the portions tend to be enough for a couple of people. These little things can hinder our long-term weight loss goals — not to mention the effort it takes to maintain that weight loss. But, it doesn’t have to be that hard, and it’s not always about food! I didn’t realise I was doing one thing, which naturally decreased my appetite. You may not have realised this too! Dr David Stensel and his colleagues at the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine East Midlands studied women’s hormonal, psychological, and behavioural responses to calorie control over nine hours through exercise and food restriction. Restriction from food activated energy deficit, but these women showed increased Ghrelin (hunger hormone) and lower levels of the hunger-suppressing hormone peptide. These women also ate a third more at a buffet meal than on other occasions when energy deficit was created via exercise. To compare the caloric difference, women who restricted their food consumed 944 calories more than those who practised food restriction and exercised too — 660. That’s a pretty remarkable difference, and over the long term, it can add up to either weight gain or loss. Researchers suggested that women who exercised felt more hungry and ate more food in previous studies! How is that for demotivating women to exercise for good health and weight loss! Previous research also said that both hormones Ghrelin and peptide responded similarly to exercise for both men and women. Dr Sensel says: “Our findings provide a valuable contribution to the diet and exercise debate. We’ve shown that exercise does not make you more hungry or encourage you to eat more — at least not in the following hours.” Dr Sensel’s next move is to determine if men’s appetites respond similarly to women (suppression after exercise). 

Key takeaways

The theory is that the appetite becomes suppressed after exercise — but what about those endless hours afterwards? That’s a great question, and until science can give us a definitive answer and a means to help women keep that appetite suppression going without drugs, here are my strategies that work well. One: Always drink a couple of glasses of water before eating anything (even when hungry) to ensure you are starving. Two: Eat enough veggies and protein. Combine these two for the ultimate appetite suppressing powers. You have the fibre from veggies and protein to help curb hunger and keep you full for more extended periods. Three: Limit your snacks and meals by using portion size control. Four: Always keep moving. Even though you have a rest day, make an effort to be active. Activity suppresses appetite. Five: Practice fasting. This is the best way to control your appetite over time without trying too hard. Please click here if you would like to read the actual research piece.

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