Six critical signs that you should stop fasting

Fasting is great, but not always or for everyone

Fasting is an excellent alternative for many people as it helps eliminate body fat, decrease certain diseases, and eliminate cellular damage. However, we can encounter a few problems when certain people with conditions decide to Intermittently fast for particular reasons. Although it’s always best to consult your physician regarding your circumstances, there are some generalised categories of people who should not attempt fasting in the first place. Let’s touch on both as they are just as important as one another.

Six critical signs that you should stop fasting

One: Women who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant

Careful consideration is needed, and you must consult your doctor regarding this. When trying to conceive, fasting can and will possibly meddle with your hormones somewhat, and it’s important to decrease this factor, especially if you already suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Two: If you are suffering from the flu or a cold

The possibility of you consuming adequate food during this time is minimal, and it’s best to allow yourself to replenish hydration with soups and as many fluids as needed.

Three: If you feel dizzy whilst exercising or are exhausted

This one is the result of the body changing from burning glucose to ketones — and is normal. I would allow this to happen and alter my fasting times to keep within a range to consume more fuel. Slowly, as your body becomes accustomed to this system, you will not feel this way at all. If you are fasting for more extended periods, keep exercise light or use it as a rest day. Let the lifestyle plan of fasting do the work for you. You don’t have to exercise excessively every single day.

Four: If you have stomach pain, nausea or vomiting

This could be a sign of something else, although it’s a wiser alternative to stop fasting during this period, keep yourself well hydrated, and eat bland foods. As with a cold and flu, you will need to rest the body as much as possible when you have a stomach virus. Fluids are more important than food, so make sure you keep a watchful eye on your hydration.


Five: People under 18 should not fast

As tempting as it may be for teenagers to fast for weight loss, it’s not ideal for growing bodies. Children need fuel as they are still growing and developing. In addition, teenagers and children are more active than adults, and proper nutrition is required to supplement these activities.

Unless your doctor has told you otherwise, don’t attempt fasting until you are a little older. Instead, watch your junk food intake and eat whole foods as often as possible.

Six: Anyone suffering from an eating disorder should stop fasting

Eating disorders are magnified when fasting, and it’s best to eat regularly and maintain a balance of food sources if you have an eating disorder. The scary thing is that most sufferers will probably still go ahead and use this eating plan. So my advice to you is that although fasting is perfect for your body and can help you regain health, it’s not to be used as a means to starve your body as a form of torture. The body you have right now is the only one you’ve got — so please take care of it and make the best use of those beautiful moments you could have now, rather than obsessing about how you look and the food you eat. Use your precious life moments wisely, as those moments will never come along again. Just a last note here on fasting.It’s completely normal to feel like rubbish in the beginning. Allow them time and space to overcome this. It will progress for however long it needs to. Stick with the course and tone down your activity, tweaking the levels of protein and carbs you consume. The more active you are, the more calories you will need to sustain the fasting period. If you would like to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. Sign up here for your medium subscription

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