Warning – Your diet may be producing harmful, toxic fart gas

Warning — Your diet May Be Producing Harmful, Toxic Fart Gas

Not all fats are created equal — and it’s apparent in the aroma.

 I know that this can be a very touchy subject for many people. When 2022 began, I made it my mission to eliminate animal products and began to feed my gut bacteria all the good stuff that’s abundant in fruits and veggies. Our gut bacteria need wholesome and nourishing sources of plant-based foods to start rebuilding the good guys. As a meat-eater, I, too, would suffer terrible gut reactions — to the point where I was harbouring painful cramps, and my abdomen would be hard to the touch. It was dreadful, and I had to lay on the floor on my back, clutching my knees and rocking to help get some of the gas out. Are you similar and harbour harmful gas pockets in your gut? It’s normal to fart often, and some people do so more than others. Your diet is a crucial indicator of how smelly or potentially explosive your farts can become. Are you the silent farter — who needs to get it out before the damage is done? Then we have those certain few who hold it in, causing themselves a lot of internal damage. There is a certain gas, which is more toxic than your average fart — which you should know about. Researchers from the University of Minnesota Medical School published an exciting paper in Clinical nutrition. This study poses the toxic gas in the body called Hydrogen sulphide. You can’t miss this smell, as it’s much like rotten eggs. This smell is of great interest to researchers because of the linkage Hydrogen Sulphide has on categorising your microbiome culture. Its potential correlation is alongside important diseases like colon cancer, ulcerative colitis and obesity. Throughout human study groups, the general hypothesis is that the gut microbiome that produces hydrogen sulphide seems to increase as animal protein is apparent in the diet. These gut microbiomes respond differently according to a person’s dietary choices. 

Results from the study concluded that

  • Participants with a plant-based diet resulted in lower hydrogen sulphide production than Westernised diets filled with animal protein.
  • Plant-based diets have more fibre, whilst animal-focused diets have far more protein.
  • Some individuals, unfortunately, did not experience lower hydrogen sulphide, and in fact, this led to more production of it.
  • There are suggestions that different microbiome compositions correlate in response to diet for hydrogen sulphide production.


In conclusion

The study consistently mentioned that high-fibre foods are very beneficial for the gut. Hydrogen Sulfide can cause many problems, including leaky gut and lethargy, leading to gastrointestinal disease and cancer. The good news is that you can keep this culprit under control with diet, as the research piece indicates.


Below are some changes you can make to decrease the risk of developing this painful gas:

One: Temporary elimination of the culprit foods, such as kale and onions, depending on how harmful the symptoms may become for you. Two: Short-term elimination of meats such as red meat, dairy and eggs to give your gut a break. Three: Minimise any potential arsenic foods like brown rice (see how that makes you feel). Four: Prebiotic fibres and colonic foods acidify the colon, including legumes, berries, bananas, asparagus and oats. Five: Particular probiotics, although they are not regularly found, and you should consult a nutritionist on how to attain them. While this is a long and deliberate path, it’s worth the effort if you suffer from gas. You may find that particular veggies or fruit trigger a negative response in your gut. So watch out for those, and do your best to pinpoint why this occurred, as it may be a hidden additive, sugar or fruit causing the disharmony in your gut. Remember to listen when the guts are talking — so you can find a way to have less gas in your gut and eliminate those rotten egg farts for good! If all else fails, get yourself some heavy-duty fart eliminators! 

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